The Courts of Heaven Series

Engaging The Courts
For Your City

The nations of the earth are crying out for justice, yet few are finding it. The body of Christ is the instrument God uses to establish and dispense justice on the earth; yet we have not really known how to do so until recently—as understanding of the Courts of Heaven has begun to surface.

God, in His infinite wisdom unveils concepts, truths, and paradigms when the body of Christ has positioned itself to embrace the new ideas and the inevitable revolution the new ideas will cause.

We have gone through the prayer movement, the cell group movement, and more recently the spiritual warfare movement and many of us grew weary with romping and stomping and screaming at demons thinking we were changing our cities. Due to limited understandings many are no longer interested in doing any “warfare” of any kind.

Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. (Revelation 19:11)

Notice the sequence…He judges, then makes war. Also notice that we have been doing things the other way around. Come back often and receive new revelation as it unfolds throughout this series.

Dr. Rudy Rodriguez D.D.