The Helper

Jesus’ Favorite Name for the Holy Spirit

Have you ever wondered what was  Jesus’ favorite name for the Holy Spirit?

I thought of the Third Person of the Trinity as the Holy Spirit because of His title. But is a title the same thing as a name? The title “Father” for the First Person of the Trinity designates a name (see John 17:1). This was Jesus’ favorite name for God.

The Second Person of the Trinity is Jesus: “You shall call His name Jesus” (Matt. 1:21). Yet, Jesus’ favorite name for Himself was “Son of Man,” a title He used more than any other.

The name or title “Spirit” is used approximately 500 times in Scripture in reference to the Third Person, and the combined term “Holy Spirit” is used approximately 100 times. The expression “Holy Ghost,” used 91 times in the King James Version, should be translated as Holy Spirit.

Jesus’ favorite name for the Holy Spirit was probably “Helper.” Of all the things the Holy Spirit does, He helps us obtain the personal salvation that was accomplished for us on the Cross. In the King James Version, the name “Helper” is translated “Comforter.” Jesus promised, “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever” (John 14:16). The Greek word “helper” is parakletos, and May be translated “helper, comforter, advocate or one called alongside.” This term is related to the compound verb with the prefix para meaning “alongside” and the verbal base kaleo meaning “to call.”

Although the name “Helper” for the Holy Spirit occurs only four times, I think it is Jesus’ favorite name because it best identifies what the Holy Spirit does. Each time this name is used in Scripture, it is used by Jesus (see cf. John 14:16,26; 15:26; 16:7). Jesus repeated the name “Helper” during the Upper Room Discourse, perhaps the most intimate of all the recorded sermons of Jesus. I think it is Jesus’ favorite name for the Holy Spirit because it relates to salvation.


I have friends who are similar to a lot of people who think of the Holy Spirit as an influence, an attitude or a corporate opinion. Some of the titles in the King James Version have contributed to misinformation about the Holy Spirit’s name. The name “Holy Ghost” makes people think of Him as a Halloween spook, and the name “Comforter” makes people think of Him as a quilt on a bed, or someone who comes and comforts people at a funeral.

Perhaps people do not recognize the names of the Holy Spirit because of certain implications in Scripture. First, Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would come but He also emphasized a major thrust of His ministry would be glorifying Christ (see John 16:14). Because the Holy Spirit talks more of Jesus than Himself, many Christians have concluded they should not glorify the Holy Spirit. They do not speak to Him and do not know Him. But as the Third Person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit should receive glory just as much as the Father and the Son.

Another reason people do not recognize the Holy Spirit’s name is because of His task. The Father initiates the process of salvation, and the Son carries it out on Calvary. But the Holy Spirit works in the heart of the believer to effect that which the Son has done. This work of the Spirit can be compared to the construction of a large building. The owners of the building who initiate its construction are remembered as well as the engineer and the architects. But most people do not remember the workers who do the actual work. In a similar way, most people do not give attention to the Holy Spirit, who actually applies salvation in our hearts.

Another reason the Holy Spirit is not recognized is because He did not come in the flesh. No one doubts that Jesus was a person or that He had a corporeal body on earth. The most obvious physical manifestation we see of the Holy Spirit is when He descended as a dove upon Jesus at His baptism (see Mark 1:10), and as tongues of fire on the Day of Pentecost (see Acts 2:3).

In the Old Testament, however, the Holy Spirit is identified with the pillar of cloud and fire through which the Lord guided the Israelites at the Exodus and in the wilderness wanderings (see Exod. 13:21; 19:16-19; Isa. 63:11-14; Heb. 12:29).

Also, Paul identifies the Spirit of the Lord as the source of the glory and radiance seen on Moses’ face after he had entered the Lord’s presence in the cloud covering Sinai (see Exod. 19:9; Deut. 31:15; Ps. 99:6,7; 2 Cor. 3:17,18). Ezekiel shows the Spirit of God manifesting Himself in glory, radiance and fire (see Ezek. 1:27-2:2).

As you read this teaching, ask for “Holy Spirit eyes” so you can see Him in Scripture. You will find more than 100 references to the names, titles and descriptions of the Holy Spirit in appendix 1. One person said to me, “Wow! I didn’t know He had that many names.” Perhaps that is because we are not accustomed to looking for them. Many Christians have “Holy Spirit blindness.” They are blinded to the Holy Spirit because of the nature of His task, or because of some bias that grows out of their experience.

Let us STOP here before we continue and repeat this prayer.

Lord, give me eyes to see the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the Scriptures. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Most of us like the name that best describes us. Certain women like to be called “Mom” because they see their main task as raising children. There was a certain salesman who was transferred from Chicago to Atlanta, and because he considered himself a good salesman, he decided to sell his house without the aid of a real estate company. He advertised and got a few people to come and walk through his house. The salesman gave a strong sales pitch to each prospect. But his hard-sell tactics produced no sales. After six frustrating months and the loss of time and money, he finally listed his house with a real estate agent.

What the salesman did not realize was that an agent counsels customers before showing them a home. The agent qualified customers so that he showed the salesman’s home only to those who had the financial ability to purchase it. Also, the agent found customers who had a desire for a home similar to the salesman’s home.

Once he had shown the home, the agent could continue to point out the advantages and answer questions.

The work of the Holy Spirit in salvation is similar to that of the real estate agent. The Holy Spirit works conviction in the hearts of the unconverted long before they come to a gospel service. He witnesses to the person the positive reasons for salvation and warns against procrastination. The Holy Spirit is the Helper (paraclete) who gets a decision and seals the contract. Although this analogy cannot be pushed to every aspect of the Holy Spirit’s work in salvation, it is illustrative of the process.


Before returning to the Father, Jesus promised that He would send “another Comforter,” using the Greek word allos for “other,” which means “another of the same kind.” Jesus could have used the word heteros for “other,” meaning another of a different kind. But Jesus used the word allos, which means the Holy Spirit is another Helper just as Jesus is our Helper.

Pre-conversion Ministries

First, He reproves sin (see John 16:7-10), which means He is like a prosecuting attorney who helps the state prove a case of wrongdoing.

Second, the Holy Spirit is the restrainer (see 2 Thess. 2:7), which means He is like the crossing guard that protects children on their way to elementary school. He helps by holding back harm and danger.

Conversion Ministries

In His conversion ministry, the Holy spirit regenerates (see Titus 3:5), which means He is like an interior decorator who renews an old room, making it new. Then the Holy Spirit indwells us (see 1 Cor. 6:19), which means He is like an apartment manager, one who comes to live in the complex to protect it, making sure all of the equipment is functioning. Finally, the Holy Spirit is our seal (see Eph. 4:30), which means He is like the notary public. He helps to guarantee the accuracy of the signature, and if necessary will testify in court.

Post-conversion Names

In His post conversion ministry, the Holy Spirit fills the person (see Eph. 5:18). He is like an administrative assistant who comes in to help get the job done. Next, He is the sanctifier (see 2 Cor. 3:18), serving as a search committee chairman who helps the group select a leader, set the leader apart and put that person in a place of prominence. The Holy Spirit is the illuminator (see 1 Cor. 2:12), like the teacher who helps believers to understand and apply the Word of God to their lives. Then the Holy Spirit helps believers to pray (see Rom. 8:26,27), which is like a lawyer who helps people by presenting their cases before a magistrate.


 The Helper/Prosecuting Attorney

            The Holy Spirit is sent to help people become Christians. Before they can become saved, however, they must realize they are lost. The Holy Spirit helps unsaved people by revealing their sin to them. In this role, the Holy Spirit could be called the convector, or reprover. Like a prosecuting attorney, He convicts people of their sin, enabling them to seek salvation.

As the helper or the prosecuting attorney, the Holy Spirit helps to convict us of sin in three ways.

First, He helps people see their sin. Jesus said the Hotly Spirit will help convict people “of sin, because they do not believe in Me” (John 16:9). Before salvation, people have difficulty believing in God. Jesus said, “He who believes in Him [the Son] is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God” (john 3:18). Therefore, the Holy Spirit helps people accept salvation by pointing out unbelief and bringing them to Christ.

Second, the Holy Spirit helps prosecute people concerning righteousness. Jesus said the Holy Spirit would convict “of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more” (John 16:10). Hence, the Holy Spirit helps people see themselves in relationship to Jesus Christ. People do not measure up to Jesus Christ, who is God’s righteous standard, so the Holy Spirit helps them see their shortcomings.

Third, the Holy Spirit helps people come to Christ by convicting them “of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged” (John 16:11). This judgment does not refer to the coming judgment of all believers at the Great White Throne, but to the judgment of Satan and sin at the cross of Christ (see John 12:31).

The Helper/Crossing Guard

As bad as things are in the world, they are not as terrible as they might be if the Holy Spirit were not present in the world to restrict the persuasive influence of sin. In the role of restrainer of sin, the Holy Spirit is like a crossing guard who restrains children from running into the path of traffic. He helps the children by protecting them from harm. As the Restrainer or Crossing Guard, “He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way [at the return of Christ]” (2 Thess. 2:7).

The Helper/Interior Decorator

The Holy Spirit helps us with our new life when we are saved. The Greek word translated “regeneration” is used only once in the Bible in the context of salvation, and it relates to the ministry of the Holy Spirit. “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according  to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5). Regeneration is the theological word for being “born again.” Jesus told Nicodemus, “Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” (john 3:5). This regeneration of the Holy Spirit gives us new life, makes us part of God’s family, and gives us eternal life. This is not just life unending; it is a new quality of life (i.e., God’s life). The Holy Spirit is like an interior decorator who takes a shabby old house and renovates it, making it like new.

The Helper/Apartment Manager

The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is like the manager of an apartment building. He lives in the building to tend to problems, to make sure the building is not damaged and to help people enjoy the apartment complex.

One of God’s purposes from the very beginning was to live with His creatures. He walked with Adam in the garden, lived in the Tabernacle among the children of Israel in the wilderness and came to dwell in Solomon’s temple. Likewise, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in Christians to help them live the Christian life. “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” (1 Cor. 6:19). The Holy Spirit uses our body as a temple. This indwelling is the basis on which He helps us in every other area of our lives.

When we realize that the Holy Spirit indwells us as our Helper, we should first yield our bodies to God (see Rom. 12:1). Second, we must assist Him by properly caring for our physical bodies, keeping them pure and clean. Third, we should glorify God in our bodies by doing those things that please Him.

The Helper/Notary Public

The Holy Spirit seals us with Himself to guarantee our salvation. The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is more than One who seals us; He is our seal. “You were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession” (Eph. 1:13,14).

Our lives consist of many seals. When a man and woman agree to marry, the man usually gives the woman an engagement ring, which is the seal of his commitment to her. Paul used a first-century custom to tell how the Holy Spirit is our seal. In the ancient world, a person would seal a letter with candle wax, then place his signet ring into the melted wax as the seal. When the recipient got the letter, the unbroken seal in the hardened wax guaranteed that the content was genuine.

In like manner, the Holy Spirit is our Notary Public in that He guarantees God’s “signature.” He seals the salvation God has given to us against the day when we fully experience it in heaven. It is important that we “do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption” (Eph. 4:30).

The Helper/Administrative Assistant

The Holy Spirit comes every time we ask Him to fill us for service, just as an administrative assistant is available to perform a job until it is completed. The Holy Spirit dwells in us and, when we will allow Him, He will help us in our Christian lives and service. The Bible calls this the filling of the Holy Spirit (at other places in this teaching it is called the anointing). Paul encourages, “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18). This imperative is in the present tense, which means God commands us to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit for effective service.

Many people think that the filling of the Spirit is like taking an empty glass to the sink and filling it up. In one sense, we already have the Holy Spirit in our lives because of His indwelling in the experience of conversion. When the Holy Spirit fills us, He fills us with His grace and power. This means He fills us with His ability to accomplish much for God. Jesus promised His disciples the power to witness (see Acts 1:8), and on the day of Pentecost they were filled with the Spirit (see Acts 2:4). On another occasion, Peter needed filling (see Acts 4:8). And later, in a prayer meeting, the building shook when the people were filled with the Holy Spirit (see Acts 4:31). These verses indicate you can be filled many times.

The Helper/Search Committee

The Holy Spirit is our sanctifier, which means He helps us become holy. Actually, the word “sanctify” means to set apart. A twofold action occurs when the Holy Spirit sanctifies. First, He sets us apart from sin. In this action, He works in our hearts to motivate us to repent of and turn from sin. In the second action, the Holy Spirit sets us apart to God. We are motivated to seek God and His righteousness.

The Helper/Search Committee actually does the work of searching us out, just as a pulpit search committee seeks the proper person for the position. Then the Helper/Search Committee recommends the person and prepares the way for the candidate to get the position. The Holy Spirit or the Helper/Search Committee works internally in our lives to make us holy, and externally in heaven to secure our position/standing before God. In heaven we are declared righteous (justified), standing perfect before God.

 The Helper/Teacher

The Holy Spirit illuminates the believer to see spiritual truth. In this role, He is the teacher of spiritual truth. “The god of this age has blinded, [those] who do not believe” (2 Cor. 4:4). This means the unsaved person cannot understand spiritual truth. But when a person is converted, the Holy Spirit becomes the Helper to teach or illuminate so the person can understand spiritual truth.

The job of teaching or illuminating the believer has several names in the New Testament. At one place it is called “the anointing.” “But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you” (1 John 2:27). This does not mean the believer should not have human teachers, but that the Holy Spirit is the Teacher who causes the believer to understand, whether or not a human teacher is involved in the learning process. The apostle Paul noted, “The natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God … because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor. 2:14). In contrast, “We have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God” (1 Cor. 2:12).

Returning to the illustration of the Helper/Teacher, John the apostle puts these two together: “But the Helper, the Holy spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you” (John 14:26).

Let’s look at each  aspect in greater detail.

The Helper/Lawyer

The Holy Spirit is our Attorney who presents our case before the judge (The Father). A lawyer is usually hired by a defendant because,

(1) the lawyer knows the law;

(2) the lawyer knows the legal system; and

(3) the lawyer has the ability to argue (logically present) the matter before the judge.

The Holy Spirit also is the Intercessor who prays for the believer and with the believer, and in the place of the believer.


“For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Rom. 8:26).

We are not always aware of the perfect way to approach the Father in prayer. Perhaps we come begging when we should be worshiping Him. We are human and the Father is infinite. So the Holy Spirit makes sure the believer always prays properly.

That means no matter how the believer prays or what the believer prays, the Holy Spirit makes the words come out right when presented to the Father in heaven. “The Spirit also helps in our weaknesses… [making] intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Rom. 8:26). What is the result of the Holy Spirit’s work as our Helper/Lawyer? “He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God” (Rom. 8:27).

The Holy Spirit

The Helper: Jesus’ Favorite Name for the Holy Spirit

Jesus used the term Paraclete, meaning “Helper,” to describe the Holy Spirit to His disciples. Perhaps more than any other, this name consistently describes the character of the Holy Spirit in His relationship to us prior to our conversion, at the time of our conversion and following our conversion.

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Believer

    • The Atonement Terms for the Holy Spirit

Certain terms of the Holy Spirit tend to emphasize His role in the salvation of individuals. These saving names include the Anointing, the Eternal Spirit, the Gift of God, the Helper, a New Spirit, the Oil of Gladness, One Spirit, the Promise names, the Same Spirit of Faith, the Seal names, the Spirit of Adoption, the Spirit of the Fear of the LORD, the Spirit of Holiness, the Spirit of Grace, the Spirit of Him Who Raised Up Jesus, the Spirit of Life and My Witness. Certain terms for the Holy Spirit tend to emphasize His role in the salvation of

      • Terms of the Maturing Work of the Holy Spirit

Certain names and phrases ascribed to the Holy Spirit describe His work in the maturing of the believer. These names include the Helper, the Holy Spirit Who Is in You, a New Spirit, the Spirit of Grace, the Spirit of Glory, the Spirit of Supplication and, again, My Witness.

      • Terms for the Teaching Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Certain names ascribed to the Holy Spirit tend to emphasize His role in teaching spiritual truth. These names include the Anointing, the Spirit of Revelation, the Spirit of a Sound Mind and the Spirit of Truth

The Nature of the Holy Spirit

    • Terms Describing the Identity of the Holy Spirit

These terms identify the personality of the Holy Spirit and/or describe His deity. These references include He/Himself, the Same Spirit and various names associated with the Old Testament names of God Elohim, Jehovah, Shaddai, Shekinah and Elyon.

    • Descriptions Given by God the Father

            Certain terms ascribed to the Holy Spirit in Scripture are used by God the Father or express the relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Father. These names include the Promise of the Father, the Spirit of Your Father and a variety of titles of the Holy Spirit that include the possessive pronoun.

    • References to the Spirit and Jesus

Certain terms for the Holy Spirit in Scripture are used by Jesus or others to describe the relationship between Jesus and the Holy Spirit. These names include the Gift of God, the Helper, the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Spirit of His Son and the Spirit of Truth.

    • Descriptions of the Spirit’s Character

Certain attributes ascribed to the Holy Spirit in Scripture tend to describe His character, and answer the question: What is the Holy Spirit like? These terms make specific references to life, eternity, generosity, goodness, holiness, graciousness, judgment, knowledge, love, might, power, truth, understanding, wisdom and steadfastness.

The General work of the Holy Spirit

    • The Bible Authorship Names of the Holy Spirit

Certain traits ascribed to the Holy Spirit tend to emphasize His role in the inspiration and preservation of Scripture. These authorship names include the Anointing, the Fullness of God, the Helper, the Spirit of the Holy God, the Spirit of Prophecy, the Spirit of the Prophets, the Spirit of Revelation, the Spirit of Truth and the Wind.

  • The Creation Names of the Holy Spirit

Certain names ascribed to the Holy Spirit emphasize His role in the creation and sustaining of life on earth. These creative names include the Breath names, the Finger of God, the Life names and the Voice names of the Holy Spirit.

    • The Balanced Ministry of the Holy Spirit

In what may be the apostle Paul’s most complete discussion of the ministry of the Holy Spirit, a number of descriptive names for Him are stated or implied in the Epistle to the Ephesians to describe the balanced ministry of the Holy Spirit. These names include the Spirit of Promise, the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Access, the Spirit of Indwelling, the Spirit of Revelation, the Spirit of Power, the Spirit of Unity, the Spirit of Feeling, the Spirit of Sealing, the Spirit of Fruitfulness, the Spirit of Fullness, the Spirit of Victory and the Spirit of Prayer.

    • Revival Names of the Holy Spirit

Certain names or titles of the Holy Spirit describe His work in revival. These terms include the Anointing, My Blessing, the Breath of Life, Dew, the Enduement (clothing) of Power, the Finger of God, Floods on the Dry Ground, the Fullness of God, the Glory of the Lord, the Oil of Gladness, the Power of the Highest, Rain, Rivers of Living Water, Showers that Water the Earth, the Spirit of Glory, the Spirit of Life, the Spirit of Power and Water.

    • The Pictorial Names of the Holy Spirit

            A number of the names or titles of the Holy Spirit may be viewed as emblems that portray various aspects of who the Holy Spirit is and what He does. Among these portraits of the Holy Spirit are the Anointing, My Blessing, a Deposit, the Dew, the Doorkeeper, a Dove, an Enduement (clothing), the Finger of God, Fire, Fountain, the Guarantee, the Oil, Rain, Rivers, Water and the Wind.


Pre-conversion Ministry

                                  Helper/Prosecuting Attorney                       His role in convicting us of sin.                                                    Helper/Crossing Guard                                 His role in restraining us from sin.

Ministry at Conversion

                                  Helper/Interior Decorator                             His role of renewing spiritual life.                                                  Helper/Apartment Manager                        His role of indwelling the believer.                                                Helper/Notary Public                                    His role of guaranteeing our salvation.

Post-conversion Ministry

                                 Helper/Administrative                                    His role in filling us for service.                                                   Helper/Search Committee                             His role in setting us apart to God.                                             Helper/Teacher                                                His role in explaining spiritual truth to                                                                                                                   the believer.

                                  Helper/Lawyer                                                 His role in presenting our prayers to the                                                                                                               Father.


One day as I was studying the scriptures and I discovered the importance of names. I had always wondered how certain attributes entered into the world we live in today. It was done through names and it all started with Adam (man of earth) and Eve (to live). One day I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself in a manner I would understand and here we are today.

In this study, you will learn about more than the names of the Holy Spirit. You will learn about His personality, and what He does for you today. This teaching is, more than a doctrinal study of the Person of the Holy Spirit. I want you to learn about Him, to know Him and to experience Him in your life.

People usually do not think of the term “Holy Spirit” as a name. Instead, they think of the phrase as a description. Maybe this is because they do not think of the Holy Spirit as a person, rather people think of Him as an influence and give Him a title just as they give a title to boats, cars or hurricanes.

Because people pray to “Our Father in heaven,” or they pray, “Dear Jesus,” they know about the Father and the Son as persons. But most people never pray to the Holy Spirit, perhaps  because they do not think of Him as a person. Some do think the command, “Pray the Lord of the harvest” found in Matthew 9:38 is directed to the Holy Spirit; also, “the Lord is the Spirit” (2 Cor. 3:17). And Scripture shows examples of prayer to the Lord as the Spirit present among His people– instances in which the Holy Spirit responds to the prayers being offered (see Luke 2:25-29; Acts 10:9,13-15,19; 11:5,7,8,12; 13:2; 15:28).

To explain how the doctrine of the Trinity works, I have used the following statement: “The members of the Trinity are equal in nature, separately in person, but submissive in duty.” In this teaching, I have emphasized three things.

First, this teaching equally emphasizes the deity of the Holy Spirit with God the Father and God the Son as they all have the same nature, attributes and character.

Second, this teaching separates the personality of the Holy Spirit from the personality of the Father and the personality of the Son. The Godhead consists of three separate persons.

Third, this teaching emphasizes the duties of the Holy Spirit, who was sent by the Father and the Son to carry out the work of God in the world.

This teaching is aimed beyond the study of Bible facts. I want you to feel the Holy Spirit living through you. It should help you live successfully for God. Each section concludes by offering principles to be applied to your life.

One name or title is missing in this study: the term “ghost,” as in the Holy Ghost. The original King James Version (1611) translated the word p-neu-ma “Ghost” as in, “Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost” (Acts 1:5), and, “after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you” (Acts 1:8). This has resulted in confusion in some minds.

Some think the word “ghost” refers to a phantom, as in “the ghosts of Halloween.” But the word pneuma should be translated “Spirit.” The word “ghost” had a different meaning in 1611 than it does today and this difference blurs the personality of the Third Person of the Trinity for some. The solution to this confusion is simple. Every time the term “Holy Ghost” is found in the original King James Version, it should be translated “Holy Spirit.” If you prefer to use the name Holy Ghost, do so, as long as you understand the meaning of the name you are using. For the Holy Spirit is the furthest thing from a phantom. He is very real.

His primary name, Holy Spirit, has a twofold implication:

First, when we take the Holy Spirit into our lives, He makes us holy, as His name implies. Listen to 1 Corinthians 6:19,  “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?”

Second, when we live by the principles of the Holy Spirit, He will make us spiritual, because we have become like Him. You become holy and spiritual as you study the Holy Spirit.

Here is an example,

Get two glasses of water and one empty glass. Now pour the two glasses filled with water into the empty glass, notice that the two become one glass of water.

Exodus 40:9, it says:

And thou shalt take the anointing oil, and anoint the tabernacle, and all that is therein, and shalt hallow it, and all the vessels thereof: and it shall be holy.

The anointing oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit, you are the tabernacle according to the above verse, notice what just happened when the vessels were anointed, they became Holy. There are many people who are trying to become holy through performing certain acts which have been taught through religion. You don’t have to try to be holy, you are Holy because the Holy Spirit resides within you.  Remember once the oil touched the vessels they became holy.