The Holy Spirit

The Helper: Jesus’ Favorite Name for the Holy Spirit

Jesus used the term Paraclete, meaning “Helper,” to describe the Holy Spirit to His disciples. Perhaps more than any other, this name consistently describes the character of the Holy Spirit in His relationship to us prior to our conversion, at the time of our conversion and following our conversion.

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Believer

    • The Atonement Terms for the Holy Spirit

Certain terms of the Holy Spirit tend to emphasize His role in the salvation of individuals. These saving names include the Anointing, the Eternal Spirit, the Gift of God, the Helper, a New Spirit, the Oil of Gladness, One Spirit, the Promise names, the Same Spirit of Faith, the Seal names, the Spirit of Adoption, the Spirit of the Fear of the LORD, the Spirit of Holiness, the Spirit of Grace, the Spirit of Him Who Raised Up Jesus, the Spirit of Life and My Witness. Certain terms for the Holy Spirit tend to emphasize His role in the salvation of

      • Terms of the Maturing Work of the Holy Spirit

Certain names and phrases ascribed to the Holy Spirit describe His work in the maturing of the believer. These names include the Helper, the Holy Spirit Who Is in You, a New Spirit, the Spirit of Grace, the Spirit of Glory, the Spirit of Supplication and, again, My Witness.

      • Terms for the Teaching Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Certain names ascribed to the Holy Spirit tend to emphasize His role in teaching spiritual truth. These names include the Anointing, the Spirit of Revelation, the Spirit of a Sound Mind and the Spirit of Truth

The Nature of the Holy Spirit

    • Terms Describing the Identity of the Holy Spirit

These terms identify the personality of the Holy Spirit and/or describe His deity. These references include He/Himself, the Same Spirit and various names associated with the Old Testament names of God Elohim, Jehovah, Shaddai, Shekinah and Elyon.

    • Descriptions Given by God the Father

            Certain terms ascribed to the Holy Spirit in Scripture are used by God the Father or express the relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Father. These names include the Promise of the Father, the Spirit of Your Father and a variety of titles of the Holy Spirit that include the possessive pronoun.

    • References to the Spirit and Jesus

Certain terms for the Holy Spirit in Scripture are used by Jesus or others to describe the relationship between Jesus and the Holy Spirit. These names include the Gift of God, the Helper, the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Spirit of His Son and the Spirit of Truth.

    • Descriptions of the Spirit’s Character

Certain attributes ascribed to the Holy Spirit in Scripture tend to describe His character, and answer the question: What is the Holy Spirit like? These terms make specific references to life, eternity, generosity, goodness, holiness, graciousness, judgment, knowledge, love, might, power, truth, understanding, wisdom and steadfastness.

The General work of the Holy Spirit

    • The Bible Authorship Names of the Holy Spirit

Certain traits ascribed to the Holy Spirit tend to emphasize His role in the inspiration and preservation of Scripture. These authorship names include the Anointing, the Fullness of God, the Helper, the Spirit of the Holy God, the Spirit of Prophecy, the Spirit of the Prophets, the Spirit of Revelation, the Spirit of Truth and the Wind.

  • The Creation Names of the Holy Spirit

Certain names ascribed to the Holy Spirit emphasize His role in the creation and sustaining of life on earth. These creative names include the Breath names, the Finger of God, the Life names and the Voice names of the Holy Spirit.

    • The Balanced Ministry of the Holy Spirit

In what may be the apostle Paul’s most complete discussion of the ministry of the Holy Spirit, a number of descriptive names for Him are stated or implied in the Epistle to the Ephesians to describe the balanced ministry of the Holy Spirit. These names include the Spirit of Promise, the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Access, the Spirit of Indwelling, the Spirit of Revelation, the Spirit of Power, the Spirit of Unity, the Spirit of Feeling, the Spirit of Sealing, the Spirit of Fruitfulness, the Spirit of Fullness, the Spirit of Victory and the Spirit of Prayer.

    • Revival Names of the Holy Spirit

Certain names or titles of the Holy Spirit describe His work in revival. These terms include the Anointing, My Blessing, the Breath of Life, Dew, the Enduement (clothing) of Power, the Finger of God, Floods on the Dry Ground, the Fullness of God, the Glory of the Lord, the Oil of Gladness, the Power of the Highest, Rain, Rivers of Living Water, Showers that Water the Earth, the Spirit of Glory, the Spirit of Life, the Spirit of Power and Water.

    • The Pictorial Names of the Holy Spirit

            A number of the names or titles of the Holy Spirit may be viewed as emblems that portray various aspects of who the Holy Spirit is and what He does. Among these portraits of the Holy Spirit are the Anointing, My Blessing, a Deposit, the Dew, the Doorkeeper, a Dove, an Enduement (clothing), the Finger of God, Fire, Fountain, the Guarantee, the Oil, Rain, Rivers, Water and the Wind.


Pre-conversion Ministry

                                  Helper/Prosecuting Attorney                       His role in convicting us of sin.                                                    Helper/Crossing Guard                                 His role in restraining us from sin.

Ministry at Conversion

                                  Helper/Interior Decorator                             His role of renewing spiritual life.                                                  Helper/Apartment Manager                        His role of indwelling the believer.                                                Helper/Notary Public                                    His role of guaranteeing our salvation.

Post-conversion Ministry

                                 Helper/Administrative                                    His role in filling us for service.                                                   Helper/Search Committee                             His role in setting us apart to God.                                             Helper/Teacher                                                His role in explaining spiritual truth to                                                                                                                   the believer.

                                  Helper/Lawyer                                                 His role in presenting our prayers to the                                                                                                               Father.