Foundational Truths - Introduction


   For fifty years I have been teaching, counseling, and praying for Christian’s from a multitude of denominational backgrounds. The problems in their lives have been as varied as their backgrounds, but underneath them all, I have continually discerned one basic deficiency: They have never laid a sound doctrinal foundation. Consequently, they have never been able to build a stable, successful Christians life.

  I picture such Christian’s as people who have purchased a lot to build a home for themselves. Over the years, they have assembled a mass of materials, acquired from attending various churches, conferences, seminars, or even Bible colleges. Yet, despite all this, no house has ever been built. All they have to show for their activity is an ever-growing pile of things they have acquired – building materials, furnishings, appliances, and so on.

  From time to time they attend yet another conference and return with some special item for the house – perhaps a marble bath or an oak front door. Yet the house never takes shape. The reason is simple: They have never laid the necessary solid foundation.

   Does this description perhaps apply to you – or to someone whom you are trying to counsel?

  In this series, you will be confronted – possibly for the first time in your life – with the fact that there is a specific foundation of biblical doctrines which you must lay before you can build a successful Christians life. You will discover that the Bible reveals six such doctrines (see Heb. 6:1-2). If you work carefully through this series, you will be thoroughly grounded in all six of them. You will also discover how they fit into the total revelation of Scripture.

  Once you have mastered these foundational doctrines and learned how to apply them practically in your life, you will be in a position to make use of all that material you have been piling up through the years – even the marble bath and the oak front door!

  This is not a dream or merely wishful thinking. It is something extremely real and practical. It works!

  I have proved this in two ways. First, it has worked in my own life. I have been able to build a life of successful Christians service which has stood the test of more than fifty difficult and strenuous years.

   Second, it has produced similar results in the lives of countless others to whom I have ministered. I hardly ever attend a church or a conference in any nation where I am not approached by some grateful Christians who says, “Brother Rudy, I want to thank your teaching has given me a solid foundation on which I have been building for many years.”

    The material for this series has been developed from Derek Prince’s book entitled “Foundational Truths For Christian Living”.