Jesus the Pattern and the Proof The facts which we have gleaned from Scripture concerning the destiny of departed spirits all deal with events that transpired prior
Emotional and Physical Reactions One common view today is that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is an intense emotional experience. One word often used in this connection
About Derek Prince Derek Prince (1915–2003) was born in India of British parents. Educated as a scholar of Greek and Latin at Eton College and Cambridge University,
Three Final Judgements We pointed out in the previous session, that the eternal judgements of God will be carried out in three successive scenes. The first scene will
The Judgement of Christian’s Service We shall now consider in greater detail the principles by which believers will be rewarded for their service. These are set forth
The Test of Fire This judgement of believers for rewards is described by Paul: For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Jesus.
God’s Judgements in History Having established the general principles of divine judgement, we shall now go on to point out two distinct and separate stages in which
Eternal Judgement Every one of Your righteous judgements endures forever. Psalm 119:160 God the Judge of All Throughout this study we have been
With What Body? In the last three sessions we have considered in succession the three main phases of the resurrection as stated by the apostle Paul (see 1 Cor.
Then Comes the End We shall now consider the final, closing phase of the resurrection. Paul indicates that this will be pre ceded by the resurrection of true