The Supernatural Power of God Part Eleven

Purpose of Miracles, Signs and Wonders

In the last session we started too learned about the validation of one’s ministry through Miracles, signs, and wonders. In this session we are going to learn about ………

What  Purpose  There Is  in  Miracles,  Signs,  and  Wonders?

Certainly,   there   has   been   excesses   and   abuse   in   the   area   of   miracles.   This,  however,   should   not   be  an   obstacle   to   manifesting   them,   because   those  who   have  feared  the  excesses  have  ended  up  on  the  other  extreme:  living  without  God’s  power  or   miracles.   To   shed   light   on   this   matter,   let   us   examine   the   biblical   purpose   for  miracles. Let’s get started……